1. Data Held
I hold personal contact information only when it is provided by you. I hold the data needed to offer you the services you engage me to provide, such as your name and contact email address
2. What I do with it
Contact information is used for scheduling, invoicing, record keeping and communicating my services with clients.
No other data will be shared unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
All reasonable steps are taken to ensure your data is processed and stored securely using password protected digital and cloud services (e.g. google mail, dropbox, google drive).
3. How long your data is stored.
Your data is stored until all services I have been engaged to provide are completed and will be deleted afterwards.
4. Individual Rights to the Data Held:
If you wish to change or delete the information I hold about you, or if you have any concerns about your data, please contact me directly at
You have additional rights regarding the data stored about you. You can read about them here:
5. Reporting a breach of rights or security
If you believe your data rights or security have been breached, please contact me immediately.
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All images are copyrighted © by Aimee Lockwood. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.